About Me

In October 2011 I made the decision to retire from a successful Hockey career to peruse a new sporting endeavour . . . . Triathlon!!. Through this blog I am wanting to capture my development, progression, the changes, and challenges I have experienced on the way to trying to be successful in an entirely different sport dynamic. I hope you enjoy the read.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hunter Vineyards Half Marathon

Well mixed thoughts came on sunday morning heading into the Vineyards 1/2 marathon using it more of a training run i was a bit nervous as to how i would go. A massive weekend on the Tri Nova training camp the previous weekend and a 110km ride and 70 min ofhockey the day before the legs werent exactly feeling 100% getting out of the car on a crisp Pokolbin morning. Never the less things got underway and i found myself out strong getting through 3km at just over the 12 min mark, started to settle in well getting through the 10km mark at 42min. not sure how my legs would hold up the thought was to just try hold the sub 4:10 pace nd bring in a good time. Pushing through head winds and hills managed to cruise in with a time of 1:27. Very happy with the result, hopefully the swim/bike/run combo comes together on august 15.

more updates to follow on training and races as they occur check back later for more updates.

Train hard and make the small steps in achieving the big goals.


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