About Me

In October 2011 I made the decision to retire from a successful Hockey career to peruse a new sporting endeavour . . . . Triathlon!!. Through this blog I am wanting to capture my development, progression, the changes, and challenges I have experienced on the way to trying to be successful in an entirely different sport dynamic. I hope you enjoy the read.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Capricorn Half Ironman

This one starts on Saturday, arriving in Yeppoon Fri night i woke to the news from Matt that we were going to be the last wave off at 8:37 - 37 Min's behind the pros, not the best news you hope for but oh well suppose you have to deal with it.

Come race morning through transition and completing the 1.7km (apparently) walk down to the swim start for what was supposed to be a current assisted - Pb swim. During the warm up quickly finding that this wasn't the case. Off we went after a long wait with myself hitting the 1st can 2nd and finding a good rhythm on the leaders feet. losing concentration and going slightly off course i soon found myself back in the lead pack and cruised with them to get out of the water for a rather slow and confusing 32min (4th 25-29).

On comes the bike and feeling strong, maybe a little too strong set a good pace leading the race for the majority of the bike. Unfortunately i decided to let my Ego take over and the personal battles took over with me trying to push harder to drop my main rival off my wheel, them trailing legally or not the end result found my final lap on the bike slow to try and recover for the run. coming in with a 2:26 bike split, maybe a bit too quick for the amount of bike kms ive been getting in.

Into transition in the top few in our age (25-29) i found that my ill discipline on the bike took its toll cramping and struggling to get any form getting through the first 7 km loop in a meager 40 Min's while i tried to refuel and recover. slowly but surely my legs started to return and managed to take some positives clicking over some 4:20-4:30 min km's while walking the aid stations as a reward. The philosophy worked until 4km to go the legs started to cramp, though managed pushed through to post a below par 1:46 half marathon and a total time of 4:46.

All in all an eventful day and lessons learned, alot of positives to take from the race and a good hit out to see what the last 4-5 months has produced. Taking a 10 min PB while having a bad race and getting back to run a reasonable pace when pushed through the red zone. With a little more time in the saddle (which hasn't been the focus of this prep), and continuing to develop the run things should continue to develop.

Next step back into grind mode with the Dutch Hockey season coming up. Then see how we can go following up with a European season of Swim - Bike - Run.

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