About Me

In October 2011 I made the decision to retire from a successful Hockey career to peruse a new sporting endeavour . . . . Triathlon!!. Through this blog I am wanting to capture my development, progression, the changes, and challenges I have experienced on the way to trying to be successful in an entirely different sport dynamic. I hope you enjoy the read.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Traning Update - Phase 3 - Hardlopen.

So..... phase 3 - Hardlopen (run).

The last 6 weeks have been spent working on my run putting together some consistent weeks of good run milage in an attempt to slowly build up the kms. All new and unchartered territory for me, especially when it comes to running of this volume. So where to start, well i suppose todays run is a good place.

Just after a recovery week, wed is here meaning long run day and the weather has turned bad; bad enough to cancel hockey for the last two weeks. To be honest i wasnt looking forward to todays run mainly because i didnt know how i would handle the -6 (-12 wind chill) degree temperatures. As is my new motto i couldnt make any excuses so out i went managing to pump out a sub 1hr 50 22km (1:47) all at an ave 140 HR. Id be lying if i said it wasnt cold, it was bloody freezing. So much so that when i got home i couldnt feel my face and when i went to take a drink out of the second of the bottles in my food Belt to find it half frozen......Needless to say i was quite happy to get home and sit in the shower for half an hour.
Ok that new experience aside the last 6 weeks have been good linking together consistent weeks 50km+ to build on over the next 3 or 4 months. Included in the last 6 weeks i managed to get up to 24 km ( a personal milestone) having never done run that far before. Todays run really felt like the effort was starting to pay off with every stride feeling stronger and me now feeling more and more comfortable on my legs and starting to look more like a runner than a set of shoulder and quads pounding down the pavement. I can honestly say im enjoying running, something im surei never would have said before. Those that have trained with me inthe past would verify that.
All this together with my bike and swimand hopefully i can put together some good tris in the next coming tri season. Anyway where we are in Den Haag is not that bad of a place to train i have finally got some good running trails, all of the bike paths make it easy to change and vary the runs asi want to, so i dont get too bored. Here is just another photo of me decked out in my run gear..... Higgo youll be happy this one is of me doing my strength exercises. (This wasnt today, i had alot more layers on today).
My long run headsout through the Dunes near Scheveningen and the LF1b cycle way along the west coastline (see photos ismy lastpost on the bike). It is a good run and the only place you can find a run with undulating hills... I use the term hills lightly, and as it is on the cycle ways it is easy to determine distances. for my other runs i have found a few trails but have one good park about 2kms from our house, which is called the Haagse Bos (not sure of translation) also containing the residence of the Queen of the Netherlands. Well i run in the surrounding parkland where her residence is surrounded a moat, 10ft high barbed and electified fences and each entrance guarded by armed guards. The 2.5 km loop in these parklands is good for my effort runs.

This one was taken a few weeks ago......its all white now.

From here the next event for me is the Half marathon in Nice. Hopefully here i can get an idea of how all the training is going.

As usual feel free to comment on any of my post or if there is anything you would like to know about let me know and ill try get something up. ...Until next time..............Keep it real and for those that need it - happy and safe training. Cheeers.

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